Bias for action

This image is from today’s walk - newly fallen petals are like a holiday wreath, gussying up the whole street. I like to collect these images and imagine one day they will become a collection of mini abstracts…. The bigger question is why I added that someday instead of just fitting little abstracts in now. What I feel good about is the I noticed that “someday” dynamic, and am calling it out - a couple of years ago I would have accepted it - “of course, you can’t just start randomly making something, you are so busy, you need the right materials, a plan…”. Hahaha - even writing that sounds so ridiculous. My time as the director at Art Haven has taught me that simply moving forward, doing what seem most right is the way to go - you learn as you go, correct what you need to…. In the process, you get something done!

A wise colleague termed this a “bias for action”…. I love that, the phrasing alone

I know that holding off action to “think” more than necessary is a less than inspiring tendency I have - and is certainly some insecurity/fear issue - so it needs to be handled regularly.…. It seems this pandemic situation has hit me two ways. I’ve become more bold in my professional work, and more tentative in my personal - why I am not sure. Maybe that work “boldness’ is taking up a lot of energy! In any case, sometimes just naming a thing & bringing it to light gets you half way to fixing it!

Get ready to see new mini paintings, and more marine stuff stuff. Can’t have my job leave my personal work in the dust - i’m best when they are neck & neck…


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2020 is different...